Success Stories

“I came to New Delhi from Bihar. I remember huddling together in a train where a family of six started living in a slum. After five years my father passed away and my mother who was working as domestic help increased the number of households and worked harder. Bhaiya came as an angel in my life and my brother and I loved to play football with other children. I enrolled in school and learnt how to manage myself. Today I am proud to say I am a football coach and a Bharatanatyam classical dancer. Both my brother and I work at M.A.A. and manage our resources. In the past, I had witnessed that anybody who shook hands with me would go and wash his, however the tables have turned .People hug me in fact and give my example to others. I was ‘nobody’ in the past but today I am an Angel. I would like to be a professional Football coach and a classical dancer. Bhaiya helps me to understand my mistakes and stops me from making new ones and today I know right from wrong. My angels Academy is my family and till my dying breath I want to be here helping all.”